
Posts Tagged ‘Engineered Timber Truss’


April 6, 2011 Leave a comment

Vermont Timber Work’s degree of refinement never ceases to amaze me.

We fabricate the timber, while others fabricate the steel, yet it all

comes together in a precise fit.

How can we do that?

Vermont Timber Works provides

exquisite timber truss design with steadfast structural engineering .

That’s how.

Engineering Timber

October 14, 2010 Leave a comment

Nature gives us many forces to challenge our lives on earth.

Gravity, in particular, affects construction work.

You’ve heard the expression, what goes up will come down?

Well it will, indeed, if earth’s forces are too great

or…if it is not engineered correctly.

Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans understood the laws of nature,

and their engineers applied this knowledge to their structures.

I find it incredible that pyramids, the coliseum, and aquifers remain standing today.

An arch is not just a curved line!

In timber engineering, although an arch may lie inert in our shop,

once raised it must deal with compression, tension, shear, bending, and twisting forces.

A timber arch or truss must be willing to accept bearing weight as well.

Snow can weigh tons on a large structure.

This residence is in Wisconsin; there will be snow!

Vermont Timber Works applies the ancient art of engineering

to create what will last generations.

We’re engineering our way into the future.